Acceptable Use Policy
[Last modified: February 4, 2019]
This Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") describes prohibited use of the Phantom.me app (“App”) and the services therein (“Services”) offered by Phantom.me Ltd. This AUP is an integrated part of our Terms of Use (“Terms”). Definitions herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Terms. The examples described in this Policy are not exhaustive. In the event of breach of this AUP, the Company may suspend or terminate its use of the Services, without prior notification.
You may not use the Services to engage in, or promote illegal, fraudulent, abusive, or inappropriate behavior, including, without limitations:
● Use of the Services through a device not owned by you or without the device owner’s authorization;
● Collecting personal data, as described under applicable law (e.g., name, contact details, etc.) without the consent of the applicable individual (including, without limitation, phishing, Internet scamming, password robbery, etc);
● Use the Service in any manner that might be deemed as copyright infringement or infringement of any other third party’s intellectual property rights, or any proprietary rights under applicable laws.
● Use of the Service for illegal activities including threats, terrorism related purposes, marketing schemes, “Ponzi schemes”, invasion of privacy, credit card fraud, identity theft, defamation, slander, view or promotion of child pornography, etc.
● Use of the Services for the purpose of denial of service attacks, distributed denial of service attacks, or engage in similar activities.
● Use of the Services for the purpose of distributing malware, virus software, root kits, password crackers, spyware, adware, key stroke capture programs and other programs normally used in malicious activity.
● Use of the Services to violate or interfere with the security or integrity of any network, computer or communications system, software, device, etc.
● Use of the Services for the purpose of hacking activities or to gain unauthorized access to any network or system, including attempting to test the vulnerability of any other system or the Platform.
● Use of the Services for the purpose of impersonating any other person or taking on any other individual’s identity or entity.
● Use the Services in order to encourage or promote any harmful or offensive content, including content which is violent, harassing, hate speech, non-consensual sex acts, defamatory, promotes illegal drugs, illegal gambling or violates an individual’s privacy, creates a risk to a person's safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement.
● Any conduct that is likely to result in any damage to the Company or whom on its behalf or bring the Company into disrupt.
The Company reserves the right to investigate violations of this AUP or misuse of the Services, as well as to suspend any user’s use of the Services during such investigation. In the event the Company will decide, subject to its sole discretion, the user have breached this AUP, the Company may terminate the user’s ability to use the Services immediately, without prior notice and without liability to the user. Further, the Company may report any activity that is suspected by it to violate applicable law to the law enforcement authorities or other applicable third parties.
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to revise or update this AUP at any time. Such changes shall be effective upon publication of the amended AUP. The last revision will be reflected in the “Last Modified” heading. Your continued use of the App thereafter constitutes your consent to such changes and you agree to be bound by them. Please make sure to review our AUP periodically.
Inquiries regarding the Policy, or reports of violations of this policy, should be directed to:info@phantom.me